Nok en gang inviterer Sjømatrådet, Nordea og Fiskebåt til Ombordfrystkfoneransen. DEt skjer torsdag 9. januar i Ålesund, og på programmet står alt fra torskekvoter og kunstig intelligens til markedsutvikling for reker.
2024 National Fish and Chip Award winners experience once in a lifetime Seafood from Norway study trip
Cod from the longliner Østerfjord in Austevoll was on the menu, when the British voted Britain's best fish & chips.
The Ombordfryst (Frozen at sea) - conference in Ålesund sets a new record with over 500 registrants. This is far more than previously and shows that the conference is important.
Photo: Norwegian Seafood Council.
Norwegian frozen fish is more popular than in a long time. On Wednesday next week, the whitefish industry will gather in Aalesund to discuss the challenges that this important export industry is facing.
The post pandemics and the effects of the Ukraina war, but also a good portion of optimism will be on the agenda of this year's Frozen at Seas-conference in Aalesund on 8th June.
I løpet av helga skal nye Østerfjord ut på prøvetur. Med på den er Helga Østervold (18) som skal vere lærling om bord. I denne omgang blir det å prøve linefisket, men vi ser fram til å prøve oss på snurrevad i mars, seier faren Christian Østervold.
Når Ombordfryst 2021 starter torsdag 4. mars, blir den historisk. For aller første gang gjennomføres konferansen digitalt, og aldri før har interessen vært større.
The long-awaited (delayed) National Fish and Chip Day (NFCD) is finally coming this Friday. While this marks probably the best trading day for the industry, the critical issue chippies face is how to sustain sales after the inevitable NFCD spike, says Hans Frode Kielland Asmyhr, UK Director in the Norwegian Seafood Council market commentary.
The UK is the top consumer of cod and haddock – the vast majority of which is not native to UK waters – and Norway is responsible for fuelling at least a third of this. Yet UK consumers have a low understanding and appreciation that their islands waters cannot satisfy this demand.
The 2021 National Fish & Chip Awards has been cancelled due to the current situation with coronavirus in the UK which has led to many fish and chip shops and restaurants temporarily closing. The announcement was made by competition organisers Seafish, the public body that supports the £10bn UK seafood industry, says Seafish in a press release.
This year, a new participant record was seen at the Frozen at Sea-Conference in Ålesund with 320 registered. This was the fifth time the conference was arranged.
The cod price has more than doubled in five years, and the outlook for 2020 also looks promising for the fishing fleet. On Thursday the 9th.of January, around 250 people gather in Aalesund to share experiences and knowledge with each other.
In May, 5,200 tonnes of frozen cod were exported with a value of NOK 224 million. This is a decrease in volume of 12 per cent but an increase in value of NOK 8 million or 4 per cent.
Corals, fungi and other vulnerable species on the seabed are important for marine ecosystems, and are at risk for damage by fishing activity. New regulations will provide better protection for vulnerable seabed species in the Barents Sea.
- I will never accept that quotas are moved from the oceangoing fishing fleet, to other groups of fishing vessels. We need a varied structure in the fleet, said Minister of Fisheries Harald T. Nesvik, when he visited the Frozen at Sea-conference in Ålesund.
Norwegian exporters should be prepared for a hard Brexit and changes in British retail trade. That was the main message of the UK-Norwegian Seafood Summit in London this week.
Krispies Fish & Chips from Exmouth won the Fish & Chips Awards 2019.
- We prefer to use Norwegian fish in our Fish and Chips. The quality of the fish delivered by Norwegian vessels are very good, says Tim Barnes, the winner of the Awards 2019.
Fasfa announce today the retirement of John Rutherford and appointment of Malcolm Large as Executive Director. Having joined Seafish in 1985, Large is well known to UK seafood importers and has been the Head of International Trade and Regions at Seafish since 2013.